Developing dynamic and explosive pull up strength

 Developing dynamic and explosive pull up strength

First off, you will need to develop explosive and dynamic Pull Up strength.  From now on you must train yourself to explode up from a dead hang position when you perform all your Pull Ups.  No more lazy, slow Pull Ups to your chin; our goal is much, much higher!

To begin, place your palms in pronated Pull Up position (palms facing away from your body) slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and wrap your thumbs around the bar.

Then, take two deep breaths and PULL UP – as high and fast as you can go – NOT to your chin, but aim to pull the bar ‘down’, launching you chest past the bar and as high as you can go!

While you learn, it’s OK to just do two or three explosive Pull Ups and you can also swing/kip your knees up towards your shoulders with speed for assisted momentum.

When you start, you may only be able to explode up to your neck region.  But after a while you will be able to get higher and higher!  As you develop explosive Pull Up strength, you will be able to get the bar to your chest; then your navel; then your thighs!  Not only will you feel the muscular intensity in your triceps, lats and rear delts, but your hand and forearm strength will also multiply.

Once you can do ten fast, explosive pull ups to your chest, then begin to aim your torso higher – aim to explode right up to your lower pecs.  Shoot for at least tend good high, fast pull ups to your lower chest.  If you can launch high enough to get bar to your abs, even better!  You will now be ready to tackle Stage 2 of Muscle Up training.  Excellent!

Tip:  You can attach small weights (1-5 kg) in a weight vest or back pack to add intensity to your training, but only after you can do 5 explosive Pull Ups.

 N.B: try this and get some fun enjoy!!

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