The Best Way To Get Your Muscles Up Faster !!!!
Ballistic bodyweight bar training for superior strength and stamina is exploding in popularity, in parks and outdoor gyms all over the world. An infinite array of intense exercise variations has fuelled a global phenomenon on the internet, with top bodyweight professionals attracting millions of views and inspiring a generation of fitness fanatics. Now you do it too. Fantastic!
One of the most impressive and famous bodyweight moves is the Muscle Up, a dynamic and intense extension of the ‘regular’ army-style pull up.
“The Muscle Up involves an explosive pronated-grip pull up to launch your torso high over the bar to height with a seamless transition to holding your body with straight arms on top of the pull up bar. “
Over the last few years, the modern Muscle-Up has rocketed to international fame as an iconic strength move due to the innovative You Tube training clips of American bodyweight masters such as the incredible Zef from Brooklyn and the shredded Hannibal from Queens in New York.
The current Official Guinness World Record for Muscle Ups is held by local Bondi boy (and ex – Special Forces soldier) Jarryd Rubinstein, who was sufficiently inspired to go out and bust out 26 fast, fluid Muscle Ups, smashing the previous record of 21 reps set by a Chinese Olympic gymnast. The Muscle Up World Record rules set out by Guinness are very precise and stipulate strict form, disallowing kipping or swinging the knees for momentum or resting at the top of the bar between reps. Jarryd’s World Record of 26 Muscle Ups is a now a YouTube sensation and has stood for three years, despite many concerted attempts to break it by amazingly strong crews from all over the world.
With such popularity within the fitness community and cultural recognition online, many fitness enthusiasts are now inspired to learn how to bust out a few smooth, strict Muscle Ups.
Of course, the Muscle Up is not only an impressive ‘trick’; it is a full-on example of body control and truly functional human strength that stuns people who have only ever seen or done ‘regular’ pull ups!
trying and get some fun !!!!! FBD.Inc
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